
15 October 2024

World Food Day 2024

Farm Africa / Arete

Farm Africa / Arete

Food security is a human right and basic need, but still a critical challenge for many people around the world.

The world’s farmers produce enough food to feed the global population, but extreme weather, poverty, political unrest and the pandemic have all contributed to food instability in recent years, and 733 million people worldwide are now facing hunger.

What is World Food Day?

Founded by the UN in 1979, World Food Day is an internationally observed initiative, which takes place annually on 16 October, the day that the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation was originally founded in 1945.

This year, the theme for World Food Day is ‘Right to foods for a better life and a better future.’ This theme calls for global action to ensure all people have access to enough diverse, nutritious and safe food, leaving no one behind.

The need for action is urgent. 600 million people will be chronically undernourished by 2030 if current trends continue, with 53% living in Africa. Increasing food security and nutrition is vital for a sustainable, equitable, healthy and resilient future.

World Food Day and Farm Africa

Farm Africa works with smallholder farmers in eastern Africa to increase food security and nutrition. With an estimated 33 million farms across Africa producing up to 70% of the continent’s food supply, investing in sustainable agriculture practices is vital to securing a healthy future and stable food supply for all.

At Farm Africa, we encourage farmers to adopt climate-smart regenerative agriculture practices, set up kitchen gardens, provide training in sustainable farming methods and education about good nutrition as well as support to gain access to the valuable resources they need for their farms to thrive.

By increasing the quality and quantity of their produce, farmers cannot only feed their families regular, nutritious meals, but also earn higher incomes so that they can afford to send their children to school.

We believe investing in food production can build better lives and brighter futures for all.

Lokii Regina’s Story

Photo: Chris de Bode / Panos Pictures for Farm Africa

Chris de Bode / Panos Pictures for Farm Africa

Meet Lokii Regina from Karamoja, a region in Uganda that faces high poverty rates and food insecurity. Thanks to support from Farm Africa’s Livestock for Livelihoods project, funded by UK aid from the UK government, Lokii began feeding her twin daughters with protein and nutrient rich milk from the goats her mother received as a part of the project.

The project aimed to support pastoralist women living in South Omo in Ethiopia and Karamoja in Uganda to set up sustainable, small-scale goat rearing enterprises, helping them generate income and provide their families with a more nutritious diet.

“My nine-month-old twin girls have been drinking the goats’ milk for three months now. They will be able to get enough milk from me and the goats, which means they will be able to grow up strong and healthy.”

Lokii Regina

Karamoja, Uganda

Farm Africa worked with the community to establish women’s livestock groups, providing training in goat rearing and fodder and rangeland management. A few women from each group were selected to act as Nutrition Inner Circles (NICs), sharing knowledge and skills surrounding nutrition.

The Livestock for Livelihoods project inspired women to consume more goats’ milk and improve dietary choices for their families.

Photo: Chris de Bode / Panos Pictures for Farm Africa

Chris de Bode / Panos Pictures for Farm Africa

Discover how Farm Africa helps smallholder farmers in eastern Africa increase food security and nutrition.


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