Farm to Market Alliance
Running since
Target reach
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Connect farmers to markets
Support businesses

Farmer service centres (FSCs) are critical central hubs in agribusiness. They address last mile/first mile inefficiencies and logistical issues and provide farmers with access to necessary services that increase productivity. These include farm inputs like seeds, fertilisers, mechanisation, agricultural extension services and finance. They provide an aggregation point for farmers’ produce; connecting farmers to buyers and providing market partners with quality and quantity assurance.
farmers are receiving support to enhance productivity.
The Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) project will establish 150 FSCs in the Singida, Manyara and Morogoro regions of Tanzania to ensure markets work better for farmers. The FSCs will provide productivity-enhancing services such as input and output aggregation, mechanisation services, post-harvest handling and finance to 28,000 farmers, focusing on the maize, rice, beans and sunflower value chains. By incorporating digital services within the value chain, the project will also provide real-time data and alerts on key activities, including inputs, demand aggregation, availability of produce, information and advice.
The Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) is a unique alliance of six agri-focused organisations, including the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Bayer, Rabobank, Syngenta, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and Yara International ASA.