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Read more about our learning from Farm Africa's programmes in our publications.
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Growing green – how agroforestry and carbon markets are transforming farming in eastern Kenya
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Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Growing green – how agroforestry and carbon markets are transforming farming in eastern Kenya
This report charts the progress of more than 21,500 farmers in Embu and Tharaka Nithi counties in eastern Kenya who have planted trees and adopted climate-smart farming techniques.
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Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Key focus areas
Empower women
Increase incomes
Strengthen food systems
Growing Resilience And Opportunities for Women (GROW) Roundtable Report
In October 2024, Farm Africa convened a roundtable discussion with female industry leaders in Nairobi, Kenya as part of its Growing Resilience and Opportunities for Women (GROW) initiative. This report summarises the key themes and conclusion of the discussion, which explored women’s role in the global food system and ways to drive positive change.
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Key focus areas
Empower women
Increase incomes
Strengthen food systems
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase incomes
Strengthen food systems
The Village-Based Advisor (VBA) model
Agricultural extension services to farmers are vital for enhancing productivity and production of agricultural produce in Kenya. However, the ratio of agricultural extension workers to farmers stands at 1:5,000 compared to the recommended ratio of 1:400. This paper outlines how Farm Africa and AGRA are helping to plug this gap in Embu and Tharaka Nithi counties by creating a network of Village-based Advisors (VBAs) made up of well-informed, passionate farmers who receive specialised training to provide technical extension services, inputs and market linkages to other services to other farmers.
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Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase incomes
Strengthen food systems

How gender norms impact women’s role in forest use and forest management – illustrations from Ethiopia’s Bale Ecoregion
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Key focus areas
Empower women
Protect ecosystems
How gender norms impact women’s role in forest use and forest management – illustrations from Ethiopia’s Bale Ecoregion
Involving rural communities is important for effective forest conservation, however, women are often excluded from playing an active role in forest-related decision-making, despite the high dependency of rural women on forest products such as fuelwood and non-timber forest products and clear evidence that women’s participation in forest management groups can result in better resource governance and conservation outcomes. This paper unravels the gender relations in rural forest dependent communities in Ethiopia by taking a closer look at the country’s Bale Ecoregion, located in the Oromia regional state.
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Key focus areas
Empower women
Protect ecosystems
Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023
Farm Africa Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.
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Farm Africa Annual Review 2023
In 2023 we reached 612,441 people, each with a unique story to tell. This year’s Annual Review provides a glimpse of Farm Africa’s activities across the year, and the impact these are having for the everyday people working with us to build a brighter future for their families, communities and planet.
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Reviving nature’s symphony: the triumph of participatory rangeland management in transforming a degraded landscape
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Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Increase food security and nutrition
Protect ecosystems
Reviving nature’s symphony: the triumph of participatory rangeland management in transforming a degraded landscape
This case story describes the success achieved by a community rangeland management cooperative in restoring degraded grasslands at Ethiopia’s Abijatta-Shalla National Park in the Great Rift Valley. The rapid transformation showcases what can be achieved by combining innovative techniques, collaborative effort and community engagement.
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Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Increase food security and nutrition
Protect ecosystems
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
A greener future on a grand scale: a summary of the Bale Eco-region Phase II project
Ethiopia’s Bale Eco-region is an ecologically critical area and also home to many people who depend on its resources for their livelihood. Since 2014, Farm Africa has been leading a consortium to improve livelihoods in the region while ensuring the ecosystem is protected. The first phase of the project developed a management strategy for the region. Phase II (2019-2024), funded by the European Union, has scaled out the strategy to reach over 1.6 million people. This report summarises those Phase II activities and outcomes.
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Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Key focus areas
Connect farmers to markets
Increase food security and nutrition
Strengthen food systems
Strengthening agricultural market systems
A summary report of Farm Africa’s market systems project in Amhara, Ethiopia, which aimed to improve food security and livelihoods of small-scale farmers by making market systems more inclusive. This project was part of the Growth for the future project, funded by Sida.
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Key focus areas
Connect farmers to markets
Increase food security and nutrition
Strengthen food systems
Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022
Farm Africa Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2022.
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Key focus areas
Increase food security and nutrition
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Nature-based Solutions factsheet
A four-page summary of Farm Africa’s Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable and Inclusive Development programme in Ethiopia, funded by Sida. The programme, which runs from 2023 to 2026, aims to sustainably manage forests, conserve biodiversity, build communities’ resilience to climate change and develop sustainable livelihoods through holistic nature-based solutions across six river basins in Ethiopia, clustered into three eco-regions.
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Key focus areas
Increase food security and nutrition
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Key focus areas
Increase food security and nutrition
Urban agriculture in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
In 2022 Farm Africa worked with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Planning and Development (MoPD) to implement a 15-month urban agriculture pilot project in the city. The project aimed to:
·       improve incomes, nutrition and food security for 100 low-income households by training them in urban agriculture
·       create a learning hub for the sharing of urban agriculture techniques
·       promote urban beautification and environmental protection.
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Key focus areas
Increase food security and nutrition
Farm Africa Annual Review 2022
Welcome to Farm Africa’s 2022 Annual Review, in which we focus on how seven of our projects have supported communities across eastern Africa to grow more, sell more and sell for more, while protecting the environment for generations to come.
In total, Farm Africa reached 718,000 people in eastern Africa in 2022.
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Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Eco-tourism opportunity in Ilu Ababor Ethiopia
Although Ilu Ababor Zone in Ethiopia is presently unknown to tourists, a recent scoping study carried out by Farm Africa, Mattu University and Oromia Tourism Commission has found strong potential for sustainable eco-tourism development. This study summary outlines key findings and describes, in detail, 7 priority sites for eco-tourism development consideration.
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Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Empower women
The role of gender in the Tanzanian horticulture sector
In Tanzania, women and youth are active participants in the agriculture sector, making significant contributions to the sector’s growth. However, the country’s progress towards gender parity across critical areas of life is still at the disadvantage of women. This document shares Farm Africa’s learning from its DECIDE horticulture programme, which has been working with 55 small and medium enterprises (56% women-led) in the Tanzanian horticultural sector.
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Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Empower women
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Connect farmers to markets
Empower women
Women’s economic empowerment in the coffee value chain in Kanungu district, Uganda
In September 2019, Farm Africa launched a project in Kanungu district aimed at empowering women in the coffee value chain. The project worked with communities to increase the incomes of 2,640 women coffee producers, strengthen their household decision-making power and increase access to resources, enhance the capacity of CGCs to ensure women can leverage market opportunities while also engaging local stakeholders to recognise and reward women’s participation within the coffee value chain.
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Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Connect farmers to markets
Empower women
Key focus areas
Protect ecosystems
Landscape management in the Central Rift Valley
This booklet features 12 stories from the Central Rift Valley Landscape Management project, which ran from 2019 to 2022. Funded by Sida, the project was delivered by a consortium of organisations including Farm Africa (lead), SOS Sahel Ethiopia, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Population, Health, and Environment Ethiopia Consortium (PHE EC), and Sustainable Environment and Development Action (SEDA).
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Key focus areas
Protect ecosystems
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Boost productivity
Increase food security and nutrition
Regenerative agriculture factsheet
A comprehensive overview of Farm Africa’s Regenerative Agriculture project in Embu and Tharaka-Nithi counties in Kenya, funded by the IKEA Foundation through AGRA.
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Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Boost productivity
Increase food security and nutrition