Participatory forest management
Running since
Target reach
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems

Our Participatory Forest Management project (PFM) aimed to improve forest conservation in two communities, Harena Buluk and Dello Mena woredas, in Ethiopia that have experienced high population growth.
We supported forest community-based organisations (CBOs) to produce and sell more high-quality coffee, improve livestock productivity in a sustainable way and generate knowledge that could guide further livelihood and conservation activity.
Building on past interventions in Ethiopia, the project provided training in forest-friendly farming techniques, fodder production, business skills, biodiversity monitoring and biogas technology to over 1,900 people, who went on to train and assist at least 5,300 more people.
hectares of farmland were converted to agroforestry spaces by 147 farmers - the equivalent of reforesting 45 football fields.
The project encouraged farmers to take up coffee-based agroforestry systems. By planting wild coffee seedlings, along with a range of income-generating multipurpose trees and shrubs, from animal fodder and vegetable crops to fruit trees and fast-growing timber trees, farmers realised a higher economic return.
Furthermore, over 230 households among the lowland communities benefitted from improved access to water for irrigation, livestock and consumption.

DR Congo
Key focus areas
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Farm Africa’s approach to participatory forest management
Farm Africa’s approach to forming formalised forest management agreements between local communities and governments that simultaneously promote resource management and enterprise development.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Protect ecosystems
An overview of Farm Africa’s approach to the environment
The preservation of natural resources is critical to poverty reduction, global food security and climate change mitigation. Farm Africa promotes environmental activities that that bring farmers, governments and other stakeholders together to earn an income from and protect the environment.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Protect ecosystems