The problem
Smallholder farmers in eastern Africa often do not earn much from their arduous work.
They struggle to unlock the potential of their produce and get a good price for their crops.
Many are unable to access markets, which restricts their bargaining power and forces them to sell their crops at a lower price.
Subsistence farming is prevalent in rural communities and can perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Many farmers grow just enough for their family’s consumption, with little surplus to sell.
Without sufficient incomes, farmers cannot invest in their harvests, keeping them in a state of low yields and low incomes.
The opportunity
When farmers increase their incomes, they can invest in their farms. Increasing the quality and quantity of farmers' produce is a key factor in boosting their incomes.
Diversification allows farmers to access a wider range of markets as it reduces their dependency on a single crop. This is particularly important in eastern Africa, where climate change continues to impact the environment.
Connecting farmers to markets is crucial too. Identifying and tapping into consumer demand can help farmers to sell more and sell for more, while co-operatives allow farmers to work in groups and sell in bulk, which attracts high-value buyers.
Value addition also boosts incomes – when farmers process and market a product into something new, they can sell it for more.
The outcome
Higher incomes lead to better living standards, enabling farmers in eastern Africa to feed their family, pay for their children’s education and improve their homes.
When women’s incomes rise in particular, it is shown to have a wider benefit for all. They tend to invest more in their children and community. And as women’s financial independence grows, whole communities have the potential to become more equitable.
Farmers can invest in new technologies like drought-tolerant seeds, which can mitigate the impacts of climate change. Farmers can then boost their productivity and enjoy more stable yields, even in dry conditions.
Higher incomes allow farmers to diversify their farming, by growing crops and rearing livestock, which builds their climate resilience and promises stable incomes.
How we increase incomes
- We work with farmers to increase the quality and therefore the value of their produce by training them in good agricultural practices and providing them with access to high-quality seeds.
- We support farmers to diversify their farming so they can enjoy yields and incomes throughout the year.
- Connecting farmers to markets is a vital part of our work. We take a business approach to farming so they can sell more and sell for more.
- We help smallholder farmers to build co-operatives so they can sell in bulk.
- We train smallholders in post-harvest handling so they can extend their crops’ shelf life, stagger harvests and add value to their produce.
- We work with smallholder farmers to add value to their produce, processing and marketing them into different products.
- We work with farmers to use their surplus produce, which not only reduces food loss, it also provides extra income.
- We help to establish Village Savings and Loan Associations, which enable people in rural areas, especially women who often have limited access to finance, to come together and save money as a group and access loans. With easy access to finance, women can invest in small businesses and increase their incomes.
Related resources
Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase incomes
Strengthen food systems
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Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase incomes
Strengthen food systems
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Key focus areas
Boost productivity
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
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Protect ecosystems
Nature-based Solutions factsheet
A four-page summary of Farm Africa’s Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable and Inclusive Development programme in Ethiopia, funded by Sida. The programme, which runs from 2023 to 2026, aims to sustainably manage forests, conserve biodiversity, build communities’ resilience to climate change and develop sustainable livelihoods through holistic nature-based solutions across six river basins in Ethiopia, clustered into three eco-regions.
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Key focus areas
Increase food security and nutrition
Increase incomes
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Eco-tourism opportunity in Ilu Ababor Ethiopia
Although Ilu Ababor Zone in Ethiopia is presently unknown to tourists, a recent scoping study carried out by Farm Africa, Mattu University and Oromia Tourism Commission has found strong potential for sustainable eco-tourism development. This study summary outlines key findings and describes, in detail, 7 priority sites for eco-tourism development consideration.
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Key focus areas
Boost youth employment
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Farm Africa response to the Core Carbon Principles proposed by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM)
More info
DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Farm Africa response to the Core Carbon Principles proposed by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM)
This PDF is the response Farm Africa submitted in September 2022 to a public consultation on the draft Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) and Assessment Framework (AF) being developed by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM)’s Expert Panel. The CCPs and AF will set new threshold standards for high-quality carbon credits, provide guidance on how to apply the CCPs, and define which carbon-crediting programmes and methodology types are CCP-eligible. The Core Carbon Principles and Assessment Framework will be issued in Q4 2022, following the public consultation, which launched in July 2022.
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DR Congo
Key focus areas
Act on climate change
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Key focus areas
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems
Making forests sustainable
Between 2012 and 2021, Farm Africa worked with the NGO SOS Sahel Ethiopia, with funding from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ethiopia, to deliver a REDD+ project that lowers greenhouse gas emissions by reducing deforestation in the Bale Eco-region, while also boosting the livelihoods of local communities living in poverty. This document presents key lessons generated by the Phase II of the project, which ran from 2016 to 2021.
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Key focus areas
Increase incomes
Protect ecosystems