Our partnerships

Trusts and foundations

Partner with Farm Africa to create resilient rural communities in eastern Africa.

A participant in Farm Africa's Livestock for Livelihoods project in Uganda with her husband and the two bucks (male goats) she received from the project.

Agriculture is Africa’s largest employer, yet smallholder farmers are among the poorest people in the world and are particularly susceptible to the effects of climate change.


Growth in agriculture is two to four times more effective than any other sector in boosting local economies and decreasing poverty.

Gifts from trusts and foundations enable farmers and their families in eastern Africa to thrive. Your partnership will help provide the tools, techniques and knowledge to increase farmers’ yields and incomes, while building their resilience to climate extremes for generations to come.

Working together, we can create long-lasting, sustainable change in rural Africa, enabling people and the planet to thrive.

Impactful partnerships

You can support a specific project or area of work, or allow us to use your donation where it’s most needed. We have experience working with a wide range of partners and adapt our approach to suit the needs of each partner.

"The UBS Optimus Foundation is proud to partner with Farm Africa to enhance the resilience of farmers and communities in the Bale region of Ethiopia, whilst enabling the sustainable use of land and natural resources.

Our collaborative project addresses the underlying causes that perpetuate poverty, natural resource degradation, and loss of biodiversity in the region.

Through facilitating an integrated approach to land, water and community livelihood management, our partnership improves communities’ resilience to climate change and improves economic and livelihood opportunities for local farmers, with a particular focus on improving income for women and young people."

UBS Optimus

Our team will work with you to create a mutually beneficial partnership that supports your goals and strategy while working to build a resilient rural Africa where people and the environment thrive.

To find out more contact Anissa Msallem on [email protected].

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