Specific expertise

Sustainable coffee production

Many coffee farmers in eastern Africa live in poverty despite the crop’s profit-making potential. Farm Africa works with farmers to realise the potential of the lucrative coffee bean while protecting the local environment.

The simple but lucrative coffee bean is a coveted crop the world over. Yet many coffee farmers in eastern Africa are unable to benefit much from it, with many earning less than a dollar a day.

Many coffee farmers struggle to make ends meet. They lack the tools, training and bargaining power needed to grow enough coffee and sell it for a fair price, while climate change and unpredictable prices add further pressure.

Women are traditionally the most disadvantaged. They do 70% of the work to produce the coffee, but are often excluded from the process of selling it, leaving them with no say in how the income is spent.

"Coffee is our life. It’s our health, it’s our food, it’s our clothing, and it’s education for our children. Coffee is everything."


Oromia, Ethiopia

"Farm Africa taught us good methods of farming. Now, my family is able to cater for the school fees using our improved income."


Kanungu, Uganda

"Traditionally the coffee was for a man and for us women we were not benefitting anything from that coffee. Farm Africa trained men to give us land agreements so that as women we could also benefit from the coffee produces. We thank Farm Africa so much: we had nothing and now, we are seeing an improvement."

Hildah Turyamusiima

Kanungu, Uganda

It is estimated that 16% of Ethiopia’s population depends on coffee for their livelihood. Almost all of the coffee produced is by smallholder farmers, many of whom live in poverty.


Coffea arabica is incredibly vulnerable to climate change and deforestation. It has been forecasted that the areas where wild coffee is able to grow will decrease by between 65-99% by 2080.



Gender and the coffee value chain in Kanungu, Uganda

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Women’s economic empowerment in the coffee value chain in Kanungu district, Uganda

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Sustainable coffee production in Kanungu, Uganda

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Virunga National Park Coffees

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