Photo: Chris de Bode / Panos Pictures for Farm Africa

Specific expertise

Goat rearing

Goats are low maintenance and adaptable animals that can help farmers in eastern Africa escape poverty, build resilience to climate change and improve nutrition.

Low maintenance and adaptable, goats can support farmers in a range of ways.

From helping smallholder farmers to escape poverty and build resilience to climate change, to empowering women in rural communities and boosting families’ health and nutrition, goats are fantastic animals that can transform lives in eastern Africa.

"Goats mean food, they are money as well: this one brings my family money that means I can pay for medical expenses or buy clothes."

Beka Bergi Gaito

South Omo, Ethiopia

"I am joyful to have goats. It used to be only men in my family who owned animals. The project has enabled me to send two of my daughters to school. I hope my daughters will have a different life to mine. I didn’t go to school myself."

Longoli Paska

Karamoja, Uganda

"My nine-month old twin girls have been drinking the goats’ milk for three months now. They love the goats’ milk. They will be able to get enough milk from me and the goats, which means they will be able to grow up strong and healthy."

Lokii Regina

Karamoja, Uganda

"For me, it’s like a dream to have my own goats. I am just so happy. There is hope for the future. Now I have goats, I know that tomorrow I will be able to have something better."

Longole Oliver

Karamoja, Uganda

Goat milk is an excellent source of protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and vitamin A.


Goats breed all year round in tropical zones, providing a quick and easy source of income for families in rural areas.



Revolving Goat Fund

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Improved goat breeds

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Community Animal Health Workers

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Women and children’s nutrition in Uganda

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Impact of increased women’s incomes on nutrition

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Household socioeconomic status and women and children’s dietary diversity

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Goat husbandry by pastoralist communities

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