

18 July 2022

Growth and success for Tanzanian businesses

Photo credit: Kababah Digital Media

Photo credit: Kababah Digital Media

Since 2019, Farm Africa has been working with micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Tanzanian horticultural sector on the Delivering, Expertise and Investment to Developing Enterprise (DECIDE) project. Funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), the DECIDE project works with a range of businesses from cafes to spice processers, to help them evolve into profitable, growing agribusinesses.

Scroll through our photo gallery to discover some of the MSMEs we have been working with, and their stories of growth and success.


Thanks to an 18-month extension, Farm Africa is continuing to work with the 30 current MSMEs from the first phase of the project, plus an additional 15 MSMEs following the increasing demand for spices, fruits and vegetables in local and export markets. Find out more about the project here.

Photo credits: Kababah Digital Media.

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